Digital LOGOS Gathering, co-sponsored by EcoTheo Review
LOGOS Collective Collective Gatherings are 'liturgically-inflected' reading events, which engage audience participation. To participate in the ZOOM call, please RSVP through Eventbrite or utilize the following:
ZOOM Login:| PW: ZiggyStar! (case sensitive)
You can also tune-in and watch the event live on the LOGOS Facebook Page (@logospoetrycollective).
Tyree Daye is a poet from Youngsville, North Carolina, and a Teaching Assistant Professor at UNC-Chapel Hill. He is the author of two poetry collections River Hymns 2017 APR/Honickman First Book Prize winner and Cardinal forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press 2020. Daye is a Cave Canem fellow. Daye won the 2019 Palm Beach Poetry Festival Langston Hughes Fellowship, 2019 Diana and Simon Raab Writer-In-Residence at UC Santa Barbara, and is a 2019 Kate Tufts Finalist. Daye most recently was awarded a 2019 Whiting Writers Award.
Hannah VanderHart is a poet based in Durham, North Carolina. She has poetry, reviews and nonfiction published in Kenyon Review, American Poetry Review, AGNI, Southern Humanities Review, The Adroit Journal, Chattahoochee Review, Poetry Northwest, Poetry International, RHINO Poetry, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, The Greensboro Review, and is the author of the poetry chapbook Hands like Birds (Ethel Zine Press, 2019) and the poetry collection What Pecan Light (forthcoming from Bull City Press, Spring 2021). Her works-in-progress include the poetry collection Larks and the essay collection Confederate Monument Removal. Hannah is the reviews editor at EcoTheo Review and a member of the National Book Critics Circle.
Digital book sales by Bookwoman, Austin's premiere feminist bookstore, and Bookshop.